Category: BarCan Newsletter #3

BarCan Barite Averages 4.3 s.g.

Tue 12 Dec 2020

BarCan made a heavyweight achievement with production this year: BarCanBarite weighs in at an average of 4.3 specific gravity (s.g.), a low rate of impurities, and acceptable Pb levels.

CEO Mike Rose said of the 2020 results, “We’re very happy with the test results of a consistent average of 4.3, and we are continuing to optimize the product while maximizing volumes for 2021.”

International Mining Expert Consults on BarCan Methods and Models

Tue 12 Dec 2020

An international mining and minerals expert, Stuart Saich, founder and CEO of Promet101, is part of the team who ensure BarCan’s mining methods are stateof-the-art and optimized for consistent production. Stuart has active projects ongoing in Chile, Zimbabwe, and Mexico; worked in the Fort McMurray (AB) Oilsands, and with companies such as Bechtel, SNC, and Torex. Reached at his Santiago offices, Stuart said his time on site in Buchans was a satisfying challenge. “Reliable, cost-effective, quality was what we designed into BarCan’s process, and that is what they produce.”

Promet101’s Ben Chisholm remained on the BarCan site after assisting with the 2020 startup, to upskill local workers in the latest techniques and methods for producing great Barite.

Zero Lost-time Incident

Tue 12 Dec 2020

BarCan staff work with a vision of Safety First, Safety for All. By putting safety first and knowing that quality matters in all aspects of BarCan’s production process, the company has worked close to 30,000 hours this year without a single lost-time incident.

Rick Brace, BarCan Safety Manager notes, “Nobody at BarCan is just a statistic. For safety, it’s not that “somebody” might get hurt; we don’t want Fiona to get hurt, or Mike. None of us want a friend hurt on the job, so it’s a matter of care and concern for each other—as well as the product—that makes us put safety first.”